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Mosaic Insurance Alliance Donates $530 to Marysville Community Food Bank

By January 21, 2021March 11th, 2024Insurance
Mosaic Insurance Alliance Donates $530 to Marysville Community Food Bank
Mosaic’s referral program donation will help the food bank with food baskets for local families in need

What does an insurance quote mean to you? Here at Mosaic Insurance Alliance in Lynnwood it means having a chat with someone about what policy meets their needs, whether it is for their home, car, business, boat, etc. It means talking to a real person who has been in your shoes.

Our agents know what it is like to be parents, business owners, car accident victims…They know what it is like to be a every-day worker like you, and they know the insurance world. With a free insurance quote, they can help you and your loved ones get the insurance you need to protect what’s important to you in your daily lives. And, when a referral leads to a free insurance quote, it means all of that good stuff and more.

At Mosaic, for every person a client refers to us—whether it be their mother, neighbor, the owner of a local small business they love, or someone else—we donate $10 to our charity of the quarter.

For the last quarter of 2020, you helped the Marysville Community Food Bank (MCFB). Thank you so much for helping us donate $530 to their programs. We are very grateful for all your help in spreading awareness for not only all they do in the community, but also for our cause in helping people know how important good insurance coverage is. Mosaic is always looking for new ways to help more people get what they need to make safer choices and protect themselves, their loved ones, and their businesses.

It Feels Good to Give Back

Isn’t it just great to see positive things on social media and in the news with all the negativity that has been floating around for months?

We LOVE seeing things that bring big smiles to our faces. The MCFB Facebook page does just that. They have great feel-good stories about the community coming together, as well as frequent random posts that make you giggle, forget what is going on around you, and interact with others in a positive atmosphere.

We also enjoy seeing their posts about their volunteers and how they are doing. They have a wonderful team of volunteers, and we are very grateful for the chance to work with a handful of them during the last quarter of 2020. One of the awesome volunteers that we had a chance to chat with was a Volunteer of the Month named Jodi (pictured below). For Jodi, with all the bad going on the last year, it is nice to be around something good.

Blog - Mosaic Insurance Alliance Donates $530 to Marysville Community Food Bank-
How Did Sending Mosaic Referrals Help the Marysville Food Bank?

The donation you helped Mosaic raise will help families in need get the necessities that every human being deserves and should never have to worry about getting.

Food and toiletries are given out by MCFB volunteers multiple times a week to individuals all around us. With COVID-19, those needs are even higher than normal. As you know, the pandemic has led to cut wages, lost jobs, business shutdowns, home schooling, homelessness, and more. All those factors have spiked the amount of people who need help. On top of that, many need more help than they did before. For example, some families who were going to the foodbank before the coronavirus now have children at home all hours of the day, resulting in using more things like electricity, water, food, and toilet paper. That usage increase has increased their bills and their needs to support their families.

More people and more needs mean more items that need to be donated.

Mosaic Insurance thanks all of you for giving us the opportunity to make this donation possible and help increase those items.
If you would like to volunteer, donate, or learn more about the MCFB and their programs, like the one pictured below, visit their website. Their Facebook page also has regular updates on current needs, programs, stories, and more.

Blog - We Love Feel-Good Stories-
Welcoming the Darrington, Washington Community Center to the Mosaic Family

With the start of the new year, we began our first charity adventure of the year!

The Darrington Community Center uses donations in various ways, including paying for expenses for the upkeep of the center and community social activities. Current top needs include getting new bathroom floors, exterior lighting upgrades, and an new heating system for the center.

Additionally, volunteers are always needed and welcome at the center. Some tasks volunteers can help with include lawn moving, marketing, fundraising, building repairs, and serving on the Board of Trustees. Additionally, if you are interested and have other ideas on how you can help, they are open to hearing about it! You can call the Vice President of the center, Mary Gilroy, at 425-879-1934 or email her at . More information about volunteering opportunities can be found here.

You can view the community center’s Facebook here.

Sending a Referral is Easy

When you refer someone to us, all it means is that you know someone who you think would love your favorite agent and could benefit in getting new coverage, better protection, competitive rates, and/or the like.

All you do is…

  • Give us their contact information
  • Or have them reach out to us and let us know that you referred them

Giving us their contact information is fast and simple!

  • Email us ()
  • Call us (425-320-4280)
  • Or fill out our website referral form

After that, it is all up to us! We talk to your friend, family member, neighbor, coworker, or whoever it is that you know. We will give them a free quote on whatever coverage they would like to know more about from insurance companies leading in the industry. Having access to over 30 carriers will give them all kinds of variety in coverage and cost. You can view some of our carriers here.

Do You Know of a Great Charity That We Could Help Next?

Quarter 2 will be here in no time. If you know of a Washington state charity who is in need of help and would like help in sharing their story and programs, we would love to know about them! Our next quarter will be from April 1 to Jun 30, 2021. We will be looking for the next charity around the middle of March. Contact our Marketing Manager, Meagan Baron, at 425-247-0208 or .

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