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Mosaic’s Independent Broker Advantage

By August 2, 2019March 11th, 2024Insurance

Here at Mosaic Insurance Alliance, we believe in teamwork to help you get the coverage you need to protect all aspects of your life.

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It is our goal to always have products and services that better serve you, your business and your family. When it comes to life insurance, there are many questions on what is best for not only what you value, but who you value.

You might be asking yourself…

  • Do I need life insurance to protect my loved ones? My business?
  • What life insurance should I get?
  • How much insurance do I need?
  • How much will it cost me?
  • Who has the cheapest insurance?
  • What is full living benefits?

So many questions—but don’t worry—we have your answers! In fact, we LOVE questions and are never too busy to answer any you might have.

You trust Mosaic to make sure you are covered with insurance protection for the risks that can devastate your business, vehicles, home, etc. What about direct risks to you, your family and key employees?

We have experience serving families and business owners with their life insurance. We will help provide you with protection coverage that will give you peace of mind—something that you cannot put a price tag on.

Mosaic’s Independent Broker Advantage means the best value for you. We will ask you questions to determine what is the best type of life insurance for your situation. Our agents are always striving to take confusing insurance information and make it understandable. Our team of professionals shop among hundreds of top companies to find you the best prices and benefits for all your insurance needs. (Saving you time and money!) We can help you with many types of insurance protection and “Safe Money” investment plans.

Let’s help you get the coverage that you need in a way that you want—priceless indeed.


We will help you with:

1) Life Insurance with “Full Living Benefits”– Covers you and your business if you have a critical or chronic illness such as cancer, severe heart problems or diseases.

2) Disability Income Insurance – In case you are unable to work, this will cover your income.

3) “Tax-Free” Retirement Income Savings Plan – Your income during your retirement years.

4) Annuities – Guarantees income for the remainder of your lifetime.

5) Long-Term Care Insurance – Covers the cost of your care when you are unable to care for yourself.


Interested in any of the benefits and coverage listed above? Perhaps you have questions? We can’t wait to answer them. If you’d like, we will even conduct a no-cost review and analysis of your current insurance and investment plans! Send us an email at, or give us a call at 425-320-4280 to set up an appointment.